
Our Service Benefits

I would like to see the benefits for...

For clinics we are...


Rocket ship
  • Create your profile, and post your auction in under 10 minutes.
  • Auctions are live for 14 days, so you get a match quickly!


thumbs up
  • Save the agency fees and expensive job board advertisements. Our prices start at $300 per match.
  • Post your auction for free! We only invoice you if we get you a match!
  • No hidden fees once your employee starts.


  • Select between full contract price and fee split for most practitioner types
  • Create a posting for PT, RMT, PSW, Chiropractor, and many more!
  • Set ceiling prices to keep your posting on budget.

Hassle free

Hands shaking
  • Save time, and effort screening resumes and conducting interviews for your short term or contract hires.
  • Once your ad is live, therapists bid on your posting for the next 14 days with no action needed on your side.
  • Eliminate the agency middleman, back and forth calls, and haggling!

For practitioners we are...


  • We do not collect your license, personal or credit card information when you sign up


Price tag
  • Always free to create an account and bid!


Plane and calendar
  • Determine your own schedule and price to work.
  • Only bid on postings you are interested in.

Expanding Your Career

Person with arrows
  • Travel while you work by taking jobs in new locations.
  • Serve new clinical populations.
  • Network and build your career!